Dynamic, Black Box Testing on the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
beSTORM is the most efficient, enterprise ready and automated dynamic testing tool for testing the security of any application or product that uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is an Internet protocol for communication between computers and printers (or print server). It allows programs to send one or more print jobs to the printer or print server and perform administration such as querying the status of a printer, obtaining the status of print jobs, or cancelling individual print jobs.
Like all IP-based protocols, IPP can run locally or over the Internet. Unlike other printing protocols, IPP also supports access control, authentication, and encryption, making it a much more capable and secure printing mechanism than older ones.
beSTORM specializes in testing the reliability of any hardware or software that uses this transport protocol as well as ensuring the function and security of its implementation.
By intelligently testing up to billions of combinations of dynamically generated input, beSTORM ensures the security and reliability of your products prior to deployment. It is also used around the world by government and industry certification centers to ensure that products are secure before purchase and deployment.
Unlike static testing tools, beSTORM does not require source code and can therefore be used to test extremely complicated products with a large code base. In comparison static source code testing tools must have access to the source code and testing very large code bases can be problematic. beSTORM also reduces the number of false positives by reporting only actual successful attacks.
beSTORM uses an approach known as Smart Fuzzing, which prioritizes the use of attacks that would likely yield the highest probably of product failure. These methods of testing are unique compared to older generation tools that use a fixed number of attack signatures to locate known vulnerabilities in products.
In addition, beSTORM can also be used to test proprietary protocols and specifications (textual or binary) via its Auto Learn feature. This results in a full featured, versatile, and efficient tool that can help your QA team ensure the reliability and security of your software development project.