7 Cybersecurity Resolutions For 2022 Infographic

It’s the start of a new year, now’s the perfect time to review your cybersecurity goals.  Each year cyberthreats increase, causing more and more damage.  Your security program and protection needs to be updated and adjusted accordingly to match these threats, preventing criminals from breaching your company’s security.   There are numerous ways your cybersecurity can […]

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Cybersecurity in a Changed World: 2021 Trends and 2022 Predictions

If 2020 seemed like an anomaly, 2021 proved to us that it’s time to get comfortable with the transformed reality. Remote work, intended as a temporary response to COVID-19, is now an increasingly standardized way to operate. With face-to-face operations no longer the norm, numerous organizations have shifted to a technology-driven strategy. We’ve seen an […]

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Secure Coding Practices to Protect Your Applications: E-book

The vast majority of system vulnerabilities come from application code.  These vulnerabilities can give cyber criminals the ability to take over your system, steal your critical data, and spread damaging malware.  Organizations must take every precaution to follow secure coding practices to effectively build security from development to deployment. What Make Secure Coding Practices Important? Using […]

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New Automotive Cybersecurity Standards Require SAST and DAST Solutions

In the last decade, there have been 633 automotive cybersecurity incidents. Yet, this year at Black Hat, the automobile industry was able to breathe a momentary sigh of relief when a connected vehicle was presented as a hacking challenge, and no one succeeded. This stood in stark contrast to 2015 when researchers demonstrated the real danger of automotive […]

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IoT Security 101

The COVID-19 pandemic left its indelible mark across our society. Our work, recreation, healthcare, and even grocery shopping became remote, digital, and reliant on the internet. The eruption of new apps and Internet of Things (IoT) devices proved a tempting target for cyber attackers; that brought security issues new and old to the fore. IoT […]

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beSECURE Announces Integration with Core Impact Penetration Testing Tool

Though its already known for swiftly identifying, evaluating, prioritizing, and reporting on security weaknesses, vulnerability management solution beSECURE can now streamline your security even further through a new integration with Core Security’s comprehensive penetration testing tool, Core Impact.  By combining these two best-in-class tools, your organization can take its security strategy to the next level.  How Do Pen Tests Enhance Vulnerability Management? Vulnerability management solutions like beSECURE are vital tools that continually scan for network and application vulnerabilities, map […]

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Agent-Based vs. Agentless Scanning: Choosing the Right Vulnerability Scanning Method

Preventable Attacks Another day, another data breach. Cybercrime is on the rise, and the only way to stop a cyberattack is to think like an attacker. In many cases, the bad actor’s first step is scanning the victim’s systems for vulnerabilities that allow them to gain a foothold. According to Forrester’s State of Application Security, 39% […]

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