The Case for Enterprise-Grade, Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

What makes vulnerability management “enterprise-grade”?  What’s the difference between risk-based and legacy vulnerability management?  Do these really make that big of a difference when it comes to organizational cybersecurity? Cyber criminals are always evolving and adapting their attack methods.  Your cybersecurity needs to be able to handle the oncoming threats on the horizon.  Especially when […]

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BeSTORM: Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Black Box Fuzzer

BeSTORM is an intelligent black box fuzzer that ensures the security of products before they are released or deployed. It is built to meet the priorities of efficiency, flexibility, and breadth common to testing teams across the corporate landscape. BeSTORM uses a proprietary prioritization algorithm to automatically start attacking the highest probability vulnerabilities first, before […]

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Vintage Vulnerabilities: New Attacks Can Exploit Old Weaknesses

Popular entertainment would have us believe that hackers are all sophisticated attackers ready to strike the latest vulnerabilities. That is sometimes true, but it’s become increasingly apparent that whether it’s the latest zero-day bug or something that was discovered the same year Apple released the iPad, hackers are equal-opportunity offenders.     “Classic” Vulnerabilities Cybersecurity professionals know […]

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Attack Surface Management 101

An attack surface encompasses all of the potential entry points in an organizational infrastructure that could provide threat actors with a pathway to  assets that store or process sensitive or business-critical data. Though there is no way to completely eliminate your attack surface, attack surface management strives to take discover and monitor the attack surface in […]

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Dissecting Ransomware: Understanding Types, Stages, and Prevention

New, emerging ransomware attack methods impact organizations every day.  Even though ransomware attacks are changing, it’s more likely cybercriminals will use tried and true methods that are already proven to be effective.  When it comes to ransomware attacks, low effort and  high value tactics are easy to implement and very lucrative. Preventing ransomware is more […]

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Dissecting Ransomware: Understanding Types, Stages, and Prevention

Video: A Spotlight on Cybersecurity: 2022 Trends and 2023 Predictions

After years of growing in importance, cybersecurity took center stage in 2022, with cyberattacks not only continuing to cause global disturbances, but also becoming the focus of legislation, organizational planning, news coverage, and even major plot points on tv. Amidst the flurry of activity, common themes have emerged regarding cyber threats and the way respond […]

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What is a Supply Chain Attack and How Can Organizations Defend Against Them? 

Supply chain attacks were responsible for 62% of system intrusion incidents, according to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report. This type of attack is one of the most effective ways to compromise organizations because it targets the weakest link in the security chain. Supply chain attacks usually begin by compromising a supply chain partner, such as […]

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What is the Relationship Between Ransomware and Phishing? 

Ransomware and phishing are usually put in two separate categories when cyberattack methodologies are discussed. However, ransomware operators are increasingly leveraging phishing tactics to deploy their malicious payloads, and the potential for compromise is exponentiating as a result.   Ransomware and Phishing – a match made in heaven  Phishing is the number one delivery vehicle for ransomware, states risk management firm Deloitte. Industry sources agree, and […]

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